Chirp of Life.
I’ve not posted since May – much work for a dollar, but it’s always a blessing to have work, so no complaint there. Despite the neglect though, the plants took good care of themselves – apparently I’m not on their critical path. One stalk of corn has done a record bit of growing, pushing 18 feet I daresay – you judge –
I am waiting for the ears from this one save as seed corn. I have a few ears from its stunted brethren. I think they must be understood as decorative.
Now something I’d never noticed before, was that corn has additional, aerial roots at each of the lower segments. I’m still dwelling on why, or is vestigial, how much so, etc.
And last, a leftover from last year, an escapee, if you will, from that harvest, a runaway purple carrot
The light ebbs here, but it does that every year.