Box 3

March 1 2013

This one began as part of a grand plan to be able to make ‘Regular Polygon Houses’ having N sides, where the base would have walls of a height of H and a length of L and a width of W,  and the roof a length of RL  as measured from a base vertice. From these measurements I wanted to be able to spit out of a spreadsheet the angles (easy enough for the base) and the angles of each roof section and the angle of the bevel between a roof panel and a wall. Anyone having such just lying around in a spreadsheet please contact me.

All winter long we had stink bugs, or stink bug cousins, just a few, staying in our house and they were very polite and very slow moving, never giving us a stink or getting in the way at all, just minding their business.  When I made this box and put it on the counter I’d never seen one move with such speed or purposefulness.  He was up and on the pyramid quicker than jack rabbit, as they say, and stayed there for quite a while.  It made me imagine that stink bugs were some people cursed and turned into bugs in the times of the Pharaohs and that seeing a pyramid, after so long, it was just unnaturally compelling to the bug.  There are probably better explanations.

There is little special to remark about the box, the construction is quite sloppy and flawed, barely sufficient to get to the idea that it was trying to portray.  It gave me a little bit more insight into the equations necessary to produce that spreadsheet, not that I have done that.

Box 3 Pyramid ABox 3 Pyramid BBox 3 Pyramid C

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