(voice) – and there is no tomorrow?
(sound) – bzzzt.
glance into the void, my tyranosaur, and
glance well. It does not behoove you to dwell
overmuch thereon, but it may serve you well
to have an idea, even a paltry idea, of the
formidable depths of possibility. In fact,
the merest glimpse may suffice. No. Do not
continue to look. Go on about your business,
and leave this moment a location in memory –
accessible if needed but elsewise dormant. Go
on, go and play your careless reptile games
That’s beautiful, actually. Almost something a mother tyranosaur would whisper as she contemplated her coming empty nest (in a land of anthropomorphized dinosaurs).
She’d be a pretty smart Mommy Rex. As it came to me was more a caution to the apex predator, made ironic by the predators inability to hear it, not so different than us all.