Baby Turkey

Coming home from the market yesterday there was a muster (a rafter, a mess, a bunch) of turkeys in the backyard.  The largest male had puffed himself up to draw attention whilst the others headed for cover.  To keep it fun I charged and tried, as a predator does, to break the group up and isolate the weak.  It seemed they all got away but as I walked back to the driveway I noticed one female who did seem not to have gotten back with the rest.  She seemed almost disinclined, for some reason staying near a certain spot in the woods.

I heard them before I saw them, their little chirps.  They were smaller than my fist, at least three, scattered in the underbrush.  I noticed the way the mother seemed to stay somehow in the middle of all of their chirpings, trying to pull them with her but not going too far.  She also would have set herself up as a distraction for me but when I saw them I went instead quickly in and downstairs for the camera.

She was having trouble just gathering them all up from the scattering so I was able to get right back to them.  It was cute the way they sought cover, waited, ran out again to find mama, sought cover again, all the while as judiciously as possible mixing chirps and silence.

I got this one good picture.  They all were united thereafter.

Baby Turkey



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