The progenitor!

You will remember his antecedent from my fanciful Snailtaur report. I imposed a wash on him as a test of my first fine tuned model. I liked it enough to think to use it as a start image with lots of noise, so that it would maintain the color scheme and general light/dark compositional locations. Intentionally I provided very little prompt guidance, as far as what to create, except that I’d throw different stylistic requests at it. I was really surprised at the quality and diversity of results.
Notice the structural similarity, the Van Goghian injections from the custom model and their re-swizzling via their embededness in the progenitor.

To me these techniques seem a door to unlimited potential, though it’s hard to steer.

And of course the notion that any of these can serve a the mutational palette, the genes if you will, of a subsequent generation (those below)

and on and on, ad infinauseum.