
This website has become my personal/public electronic content clearinghouse.  As such, I include various links to my different public electronic manifestations (there’s probably a cooler and more modern way to say that).  The blog portion, if you’ve arrived here directly, can be gotten to by the ‘Home’ link above and emphasizes current verbal and visual narrative.

  • Work before play.  I’ve spent since 1995 working on the specialty of automating variable compensation.  I’ve become quite the subject matter expert.  The website for my company is Meed Partners.  My email there is Paul.Devlin@MeedPartners.com.  ‘Meed’ is an ancient word, meaning ‘a just or deserved reward’ – ‘a fitting recompense’.
  • Linked In: Paul Devlin
  • My book on Amazon, of poetry and drawings mostly, is at most noteworthy as a piece of history.  Published in 2007 and comprised of work done 1979-1988 where the work specifically was unedited for content so as to try to truly contribute to answering the question of how one becomes who one becomes – Ad Astra per Apsera.
  • Photographs – mostly nature photography
  • Songs.  Now and then I must sing, not that it is so special, but it is a personal way of sharing
  • The game called Go.  Since 2001 I’ve played this at a place called DragonGoServer.net.  They track everything, wins, losses, ratings – it’s fabulous and free.  My ID there is Rusty2.  My experience should be visible here but you may have to login as guest.  If you play by all means invite me.  Also, just in case you don’t know of Go, Sensei’s Library is a tremendous resource.

One thought on “Purpose

  1. You are an inspiration to me and my children, we love your songs and overall optimistic yet very wise outlook on life. Paul, keep doing this and great things will come your way, maybe a recording contract! Your woodworking skills are quite extraordinary. Please keep the good things coming. Good luck on your journey through the tunnel of life.
    Best wishes,

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